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A member registered Oct 18, 2020

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I 100% agree with you that autism isn't something that should make people feel pity. But the jokes iirc, go something like:

1. The interface was designed for people with autism.

2. MC vehemently denies that he is autistic.

3. He is then told "sure buddy, whatever you say ;)"

Maybe it's all going over my head but, basically the punchline is "lol, you must be autistic!". Which is like, okay maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but is it supposed to funny (that someone is autistic)?

Game has been pretty good so far, and has potential to be better. The "interrogations" are a nice mechanic, and having the choice of the type of dynamic you want with Rea is appreciated.

I think the political humor is fine, as the game doesn't even take itself seriously. Regardless though (and I'm prepared to be downvoted to oblivion for this), using autism as the butt of the joke is rather distasteful, ngl.

Replayed Sandstorm and got through a Dark Ravens playthrough, and I want to say great game so far. 


Torsten is acting very sus; insisting on the raid and giving weapons away for free is really out of character for him.

As the chief, he definitely has the ability to pull off an assassination.  The motive is also there, in that this incident weakens both rival clans through the offing of the Bears' leader and forcing a death tournament, along with removing a potential Ravens' ally who was backstabbed during the raid.

The cliffhanger of how the village is relatively undefended is interesting. Maybe Torsten is working with the guys who betrayed the Jarg?Jorg? fellow (also explaining how he obtained the blade that was planted at the crime scene)? And I believe that he was the one who was quick to accuse Nox of having foreign ties.

Wonder how Katja fits into all of this...